Benefits Of Migration To Canada's Population

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Migration is about the movement of people. It is when the movement of people result in the permanent relocation of an individual or a group across certain distances. In Canada, migration has impacted Canada’s population significantly within the past two to three decades. One in every five individuals living in Canada are a visible minority. Migration into Canada is wanted for three reasons. (1) To keep Canada’s population increasing. (2) Adds valuable members to the Canadian workforce, and (3) Canada takes in refugees who are fleeing oppressive socio-political conditions in their homelands. Three reasons for migration are forced migration, Emigration and Immigration, and guest workers. Canada benefits from migration in two separate ways it …show more content…

One of the major benefits that migration has on Canada is how much it benefits the economy, the population, and it’s valuable members to the workforce. These three reasons are beneficial to Canada in various different ways, starting by helping Canada’s population grow, since it has been decreasing from because the past generations are not having as many babies as the generations before them have. In order to keep the economy growing, more migration is needed into the country. Additionally, the migrant workers that come into the country and work at such low wages makes it very beneficial for Canadians as well. Canada needs a lot of these kinds of migrant workers because they are the people that take on the dirty, hard-working jobs that most Canadians will not take. An example for this would be from the short documentary El Contrato, this is a quick documentary that shows the everyday lives of migrant workers that come to Canada from places such as Mexico, and other southern American countries. These are one of the main reasons we need Migration to Canada, to benefit our economy and to help expand our population. Migration to Canada is a great benefit, however, some people may not be happy with the decisions of letting migrant refugees into the Country. A lot of the native people may feel like their lands are being taken over, and the country is becoming more diverse and multicultural. These can be potential reasons for why the Natives, or original Canadians are having problems with the new comers from all-around the world. One way we can fix this is by respecting each other's lands, and rights. Although Canada is a very peaceful country, and most people respect the natives in their own way, we need to as a whole appreciate them for letting so much into their country, and completely changing it up from what they are used to. Furthermore, Canada already shows a lot of respect for the native