
Benito Mussolini Research Paper

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The compelling question I chose to research is “What circumstances lead people to embrace a Fascist ideology/leader?” A combination of the problems in Italy after World War I, Mussolini’s strong leadership, and propaganda caused Fascism to be quickly spread and embraced by Italians. Because of all the problems in Italy, Italians wanted change. They were losing trust in the government and they started to support the Socialist Party and the Catholic Popular Party. Mussolini realized that the italians wanted a new leader and something to follow, so he introduces Fascism to them, calling it the “complete opposite of Marxian Socialism”. To further spread his ideas, Mussolini started releasing false propaganda to the public promising them things …show more content…

In total, I found around seven reliable sources. I then created an organizer and started reading each source and taking notes. Research was the easy part. After I was done taking notes, I had think of a thesis statement which wasn’t very hard. Creating the Prezi was very difficult for me because I didn’t know where to start, and once I started, I kept running into problems. Because of that, I started researching more. Once I got enough notes, I looked at an example of another prezi on google, and started from there. I used the prezi as a layout for myself, and it became much easier. Once I finished my prezi, I realized I still had a lot to do. My prezi had a lot of words, and not only was that unnecessary, but it looked unorganized. Also, I knew I shouldn’t read off the board. I solved this problem by deleting a lot of the text, and making a script instead. I only showed simple statements/sentences on the prezi, but I talked in depth about them. Once everything was final, I thought I was done, but then I looked at the guidelines. I realized that I was missing my bibliography and pictures, so I added them. Once I was done with everything, I practiced presenting to myself. I did this because I find it difficult to present in front of a group of people, but I knew I would have to do it and I’d rather not mess up. When I finally went up to present to the class, it wasn’t as bad as I thought it would be, and when I was done I felt

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