Benzocaine Synthesis

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In the experiment, the primary initial chemical used was a 2.019 g mixture of benzocaine, and benzoic acid. Furthermore, the outcome of the experiment was 0.310 g of pure benzocaine, and 0.145 g of pure benzoic acid. Therefore, the percent recovery of the benzocaine and benzoic acid compounds was found to be 15.35%, and 7.18% respectively. In addition, later on in the process the melting points of the pure compounds were measured. The data of the benzocaine received from the lab was 93.2˚C, which is extremely close to the one reserved in literature (89˚C). Also, the data of the benzoic acid received from the lab was 131˚C, which is similar to the one retained in literature (122.41˚C). As a side note, the recovery of benzocaine required it to