Beowulf: Poem Analysis

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Around the eighth century, a song about a brave man used to show the next generations what a true warrior is, was born and spread throughout the nation. Although it was originally oral, it was not until two monks in the eleventh century decided to write the song down making it a poem. Due to the poem being oral for some time details could have been missed or even changed. Furthermore, the monks could have influenced more Christianity on the poem from when it was first told. Then it wasn 't until the twentieth century that a movie was created about this warrior. As we see many centuries have passed since this poem was fabricated, this leads us to conclude that the way certain characters act have changed thus changing the entire theme of …show more content…

In the Beowulf poem and the movie, there are similarities and differences in, Beowulf 's behavior, how Grendel 's mother is portrayed, and the themes of both movie and poem, which reflect both Anglo Saxon and modern …show more content…

In the Beowulf poem and the movie, there are similarities and differences in, Beowulf 's behavior, how Grendel 's mother is portrayed, and the themes of both movie and poem, which reflect both Anglo Saxon and modern society. After comparison of the poem and movie, we see that the way certain characters act in the poem has different characteristics in the movie. Beowulf transforms from a wise, brave warrior, to a cheating man whose spirits died at a young age. Grendel’s mother was seen as just a female out for revenge, but alternated from being a mother to a seductress concubine, as well as a gold digger. Since these two main characters have has a drastic transformation the theme of the poem has had its transformation as well. Although it seems as if they are two completely different stories. In spite of their differences, we can conclude that our society sees men and women as objects more than human beings. Men are supposed to fall at the feet of a beautiful woman whose only concern is love, while women are only used to flaunt their bodies for lust. If women are not strong enough, then they shall have a man fight their battle while they stay at home, waiting for another man to make more complications, unfortunately, this is how modern society thinks of