Beowulf Revenge Quotes

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TS: Loyal warriors seek revenge to mourn the death of a loved one.

FB: As a way to show Hrothgar his loyalty, fearless Beowulf treks to Grendel’s cave to avenge the murder of Esher. ES1 Passage:
Hrothgar asks Beowulf, now loved by the king and his people, to hunt down grendel’s mother, who had taken revenge for the death of her son. “Our only help, again, lies with you. Grendel's mother is hidden in her terrible home, in a place you've not seen. Seek it if you dare! Save us, once more, and again twisted gold, heaped-up ancient treasure, will reward you for the battle you win”(Beowulf,1963,p.66)!

ES2 follow up:
Loyal Beowulf spoke to Hrothgar about avenging the death of Esher, Hrothgar's devoted advisor and friend. “Let your sorrow end! It is better to avenge our friends, not mourn them forever”(Beowulf, 1963, p.67). …show more content…

ES1 Passage: Hengest and his men had stayed with the Frisian king all winter because they could not sail home, but Hengest could not forget what Finn had done to his noble king. “Hengest dreamed of his home-but revenge came first, settling his bitter feud with Finn, whose bloody sword he could never forget”(Beowulf,1963,p.59).

ES2 follow up: Hengest had plotted his revenge all winter, “The time had come, and Hengest rose,hearing the Danes murmur, and drove his new sword into Finn’s belly, butchering the king under his own roof. And the Danes rose, their hearts full of Finn’s treachery, and the misery they had brought them, their sword arms restless and eager”(Beowulf,1963,p.59).

TB: The murder of the dragon was revenge for the death of beowulf’s

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