Bernie Ebbers As A Charismatic Leader Essay

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Bernie Ebbers, the former chief executive officer of WorldCom, was a Charismatic leader according to the characteristics he has demonstrated in his leadership such as strong vision to grow the company into a worldwide telecommunication giant, willingness to take personal risks to achieve that vision and displayed extraordinary behaviors like relentless cost cutting tales (Robbins & Judge, 2015). Ebbers’s being named as “one of Network World’s 25 most powerful people in the telecommunications industry”, the key staff members description of him as a charismatic leader who inspired extraordinary levels of personal loyalty and high employee performance and Murray Waldron, one of Ebbers’s original partners, description of him as “the most focused leader I’d ever seen.” are indicative of his leadership. According to the case, Ebbers violated laws and ethical boundaries to inflate stock price by filing false financial statements, involved in security frauds, accused of falsifying six regulatory filings, offered $80,000 to $300,000 loans to as many as 50 top executives not put in writing. …show more content…

The company growth strategy was based on the use of the company stock for new acquisitions, as a result the company officials found it extremely important to meet Wall Street’s expectations of what the company earnings should be. Charismatic leaders can be self-centered and manipulative in the means they use to achieve their goals (Parry & Proctor-Thomson, 2002). Ebbers used this situation to create a culture that gave birth to the

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