Bernie Sanders Persuasive Speech

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Feel the Bern “Finally, let us understand that when we stand together, we will always win. When men and women stand together for justice, we win. When black, white and Hispanic people stand together for justice, we win” (Bernie Sanders Quotes). For too long, Americans have been dealing with discrimination, inequality, and racism. Disputes over gay marriage, transgenders, immigrants, and race have preoccupied what is truly important to this country, freedom. Finally, we have a candidate who understands this, Bernie Sanders. This is our chance to start a political revolution by voting for Sanders, who wants freedom and equality for all American citizens. Over the seventy-four years of his life, Bernie Sanders has gained the appropriate knowledge …show more content…

Everyday the quandaries we face as a society are brought to our attention: wealth inequality, college tuition, and women’s rights. Luckily for America, Sanders wants and knows how to solve these matters. According to Sanders’s website, America now has more wealth and income inequality than any major developed country on earth, and the gap between the very rich and everyone else is wider than at any time since the 1920s, meaning that the middle class is disappearing (Income and Wealth Inequality). In order to reduce the financial gap between the rich and poor, Sanders sees the federal wage increasing from $7.25 to $15.00 by 2020 under his jurisdiction (Income and Wealth Inequality). He tweeted, "A job should lift workers out of poverty, not keep them in it" (Living Wage). To further resolve the issue of poverty, Sanders would like to sign the Paycheck Fairness Act into law and create thirteen million jobs by investing one trillion dollars in infrastructure over the next five years (Income and Wealth Inequality). He would also like to put money towards college tuition. To settle the rising costs of college tuition, Sanders will stop the federal government from profiting on student loans, as well as fully paying for tuition by establishing a tax on Wall Street speculators (It’s Time to Make College Tuition Free and Debt Free). According to Sander’s web site, Germany, Finland, Norway, Sweden, and …show more content…

It is rare to see someone of Bernie’s age running for president, but it seems to be working for him. “The truth of the matter is the polls are showing the more electable, by far, is Senator Bernie Sanders,” said Jeff Weaver, the Sanders campaign manager (Is Bernie Sanders More Electable Than Hillary Clinton?). Several young Americans want change, and are finally having the opportunity to make a difference through Sanders. According to the George Washington University survey, Sanders continues to swamp Donald Trump by double digits (Sanders Still Strongest Candidate). Real Clear Politics shows that Sanders is beating Trump by an average of 15.2, Kasich by 4.8, and Cruz by 12 in the general elections (General Election: Trump vs. Sanders). Besides the polls, he has also gained interest in another way. According to New York Time’s, Jeff Merkley, Sanders has passionately advocated for pivoting from fossil fuels to renewable energy to prevent global warming, attracting several environmentalist as well as celebrities (Why I’m Supporting Bernie Sanders). AM New York's, James Reyson and Nicole Brown, listed that many celebrities such as Miley Cyrus, Josh Hutcherson, Mark Ruffalo, Neil Young, Spike Lee, and Will Ferrell are all advocating Bernie for president in 2016 (Celebrities endorsing Bernie Sanders). Mark Ruffalo told The Daily Beast in June

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