Berry's Theory Of Acculturation

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Early studies which go back to 1930s, basically focus on the socio-anthropological aspect of the issue as parallel with the definition above. In those studies, researchers are mainly concerned with the nature of the adaptation processes of a particular ethnic community contacting with a culture different than theirs. (Berry, Kim, Minde & Mok, 1987; Goldlust & Richmond, 1977). STUDY EKLE

Based on the first studies investigating remote tribes, immigrants and refugees, it has been revealed that assimilation is not the only strategy or the outcome of acculturation. Hence, the common association of acculturation with assimilation is put aside and studies on different contacting groups increased in number.

Although the majority of research typically …show more content…

However, his theory and most of the previous research focus on mainly immigrants’ acculturation. Considering that there are also other groups such as sojourners and expatriates, Berry’s theory and other acculturation theories may not totally apply to the groups apart from immigrants. (Lian & Tsang , 2010). Furthermore, acculturation is usually referred as an adjustment and adaptation process of cultural change as the final outcome (Adler and Gielen (2003). For this reason, the extensive body of research in the expatriation literature has focused on cross-cultural adjustment process of individuals and minority groups in response to their contact with the dominant majority and it constitutes the central conceptual framework of this …show more content…

Matsumoto et al. (2007), however, make a distinction between these two terms. They view adaptation as “the process of altering one’s behaviour to fit in with a changed environment or circumstances, or as a response to social pressure” , whereas adjustment is described as “the subjective experiences that are associated with and result from attempts at adaptation” (p.77). I have used the term adjustment as the overwhelming body of research in cross-cultural studies have preferred this term in their models and frameworks including Black et al., 1991, Aycan,