Bessie Vanburen Research Paper

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Once upon a time in the early 1830s, lived a young lady Bessie Vanburen, her a daughter Brea Vanburen and Bessie husband Brandon Vanburen. The Vanburen lived in a small town called Camelot, in the middle of nowhere, where Bessie grew up at. Back in 1821 Bessie and her mother Brenda weren’t getting along because Bessie was becoming a teenager. Brenda and Bessie would never see eye to eye. So one Day Brenda came home yelling about something and Bessie got very upset and couldn’t take the stressing anymore. Brenda put Bessie out in the streets on her own at the age of fourteen. While Brenda was strolling the streets nights and days she ran into this handsome man from out of town named Brandon. Brandon is a military man who was stationed in Charlotte, NC. Brandon was roaming the town and ran into Bessie, who was along the side of the street crying her eyes out. Brandon asked Bessie what was wrong, so Bessie began to tell him her life story. Brandon asked Bessie to come along with him and stay with him for a few days until she get on her feet. While Bessie was staying …show more content…

Few years later Bessie started feeling sick. Bessie went to the hospital and found out she had aids and was pregnant again. Bessie told Christopher she was pregnant and he fainted. When Christopher came back he said you can’t be pregnant because I’m married and I have 2 kids back at home already. Bessie started living in depression after Christopher wanted nothing to do with her and Bessie threaten to tell his wife. Later on down the line Bessie passed away with aids and left her husband and daughter clueless. Moral of the story if you’re not happy then leave. Never mess around on something good, keep it while you can. You’ll never win trying to get over on someone else. Never jump into something you not ready for. Bessie got what she deserved, can’t please to