Best Practice Essay

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Crystal D. Waiters EDU Part 1 Final Assignment Best Practices Intelligence, creativity and talent have been the dominant meaning to various definitions of being a gifted and talented student. Being gifted is a complex, human condition that covers a wide range of abilities and traits. These students may not be outstanding in academics, but they may have the social abilities in areas such as music, art, dance or leadership. Gifted and talented students display learning and intellectual characteristics such as: • The ability to rapidly acquire, retain and use large amounts of information • The ability to relate to one idea or another. • The ability to make sound judgments • The ability to perceive the operation of larger system of knowledge …show more content…

Dabrowski’s theory of emotional development suggests that creative, gifted individuals have high levels of emotional over excitability, expanded awareness, and heightened responses which results in above average types and degree of expression; which can be agreed that talent comes in many forms and may be manifested in multiple domains. (Best Practice, Chapter 9) Children are individuals who bring to the classroom a diverse set of aptitudes, achievement and potential. There are many different kinds of support to foster children and creative talents alike. For example, in schools educators can teach students to recognize and clarify problems and new ideas, knowledge and seek alternatives, and evaluate ideas and solutions and monitor their own activity. Examples of this can be Independent exploration: (Biographical author study, compare and contrast and literature culture studies.) However, the overall goal of educational programs for gifted and talented students should be the fullest possible development of very Child’s actual and potential abilities. Gifted students need both context knowledge and the abilities to develop and use that knowledge effectively. Moreover, educators can set expectations where both home and school value

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