Best Practices To Advance In The Information Assurance (IA)

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Due to the increasing online technology, computer users and websites are the victims of attacks than it has never been before. Many organizations have created best practices to help them protecting their assets. This essay is going to address how I advance in the Information Assurance (IA) profession by continuing to keep up with the information in the field, develop a comprehensive training and education. In fact, to keep up with the IA profession is to develop technical best practices such as to understand how vulnerability management, forensic responses and intrusion detection system work to prepare to respond when incidents happen; and identify the learning objectives that together will achieve the overall goals identified during the needs assessment phase of systematic training design like staff training and education plan. …show more content…

Understanding and effectively managing vulnerability assessments are fundamental and critical to security management. Qualys guard, Nessus and McAfee Vulnerability Manager (MVM) are the three tools among the popular vulnerability assessment tools. I remembered working as an Infrastructure Coordinator at an accounting company several years ago where I got a chance to set-up a Qualys vulnerability scanning device. My task was to setup and physically manage the tool for the remote security team in the data center. I took the opportunity of setting the device by going to Qualys’ website for live and recorded training video. The Qualys’ self-study motivates me to get into the security field after I was doing some forensic lab administration as part of the Infrastructure role. Besides creating a global business leadership skill, developing a comprehensive training and education plan for staffs is another phase to identify the learning objectives that together

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