
Betrayal In Hamlet Essay

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Can the consequences of betrayal turn deadly? In the tragic play, written by William Shakespeare, Hamlet, betrayal is a cycle in the story. Betrayal is defined as the sense of being harmed by the intentional actions of a trusted person (Merriam-Webster). It can be traumatic and cause considerable damage. This play shows betrayal from a mother betraying her son, a boyfriend betraying his girlfriend and an uncle betraying his nephew. Hamlet demonstrates betrayal between family, friends and lovers. Hamlet, the protagonist of the story, is betrayed by his mother, Gertrude, by marrying Claudius, her former husband’s brother. “O Hamlet, thou hast cleft my heart in twain.”(3.4,lines) Gertrude betrayed her son again by reporting him to Claudius after …show more content…

“I loved you not” (3.1.119) and “get thee to a nunnery” (3.1.138-139) causing her madness. Hamlet learns of Ophelia's betrayal, by luring him so Claudius could spy on him. Betrayal and mistrust anger Hamlet and drive him to commit violent actions. These events lead Ophelia to commit suicide. People avoid relationships to avoid pain. DiMauro 2
In the Lion King, Scar wanted the kingdom more than a relationship with his brother. Comparing Hamlet’s biggest betrayal was done by his uncle, Claudius. The betrayer needs motivation and Claudius jealousy kills King Hamlet. “Oh, my offence is rank. It smells to Heaven. It hath the primal eldest curse upon’t, A brother’s murder.” (3.3.line) Claudius confesses to murdering his brother and Hamlet wants revenge. To be ridden of Hamlet, Claudius' betrayal sends Hamlet with his childhood friends to England with a letter that demands death to Hamlet. Which turns out, Hamlet’s friends are killed instead of him. Betrayal is a recurring action between many characters.
In conclusion, Hamlet is betrayed by the people he loves and cares for like Judas betrayed Jesus after The Last Supper. The play ends with Gertrude drinks poison and dies, Claudius is stabbed to death and Hamlet is killed by a poisonous blade. “To be, or not to be” (3.1.line) to live or to

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