Beyonce's Music Video Analysis

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Issue: Critics believe Beyoncé was starting a war with police with her new music video “Formation”.
Position: Critics have not provided evidence supporting their theory about Beyonce’s music video.
Premise 1: One of the sciences in the video had a little boy dancing in front of police in riot gear. This statement represented innocent children being killed by police.
Premise 2: One section of the video showed a brick wall with “Stop Shooting Us” written on it, this represents the #BlackLivesMatters movement.
Premise 3: The end of the video shows Beyoncé laying on top of a police car as it sinks. The sinking of the car represents Hurricane Katrina and how everyone looked the other way when it was time to clean up New Orleans.
Conclusion: …show more content…

This statement represented innocent children being killed by police. The scene has an innocent little boy dancing in front of a line of police in riot gear, then he races his hand symbolizing don’t shoot, then police raise their hands in return. This symbolizes police not shooting the little boy just because he’s wearing a hoodie. This scene pays tribute to Trayvon Martin since he was killed because he looked suspicious since he was wearing a hoodie.
Premise 2: One section of the video showed a brick wall with “Stop Shooting Us” written on it, this represents the #BlackLivesMatters movement. Everyone believe the #BlackLivesMatter movement represents only black lives matter and no one else’s matter, but it really means black lives matter because they don’t seem to matter when police are killing innocent African Americans without being charged.
Premise 3: The end of the video shows Beyoncé laying on top of a police car as it sinks. The sinking of the car represents Hurricane Katrina and how everyone looked the other way when it was time to clean up New Orleans. Everyone believed she was saying all police officers need to drown just liked New Orleans did during the hurricane. That isn’t the case she’s calling attention to everyone ignoring the damage from the hurricane like they are with black people getting killed by the