Biblical Facts Relating To The Martial Arts

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Note: Dwight York (Aka Malachi Z. York, Issa al Haadi al Mahdi} was the first writer to acknowledge this biblical fact relating to the martial arts (the SOA). (Ansaaru Allah community publication, (1977) “The True origin of the Martial arts”) The FOA stands for all the Martial arts (Wushu or Budo), and is the term used in relation to any form of fighting whether it is boxing, karate or kung fu. Judo, wrestling or any similar form that promotes good health, defense for one’s safety, the use of weapons/elements of nature and the knowledge or the spiritual up-liftment of man. Styles are just names and the only true art is the “Fighting of Allah,” for what could be used more than the “Arm, Leg, Leg, Arm and Head”, and what greater name is …show more content…

Brothers who trained in the 120 of FOA were open-minded; therefore they took out the traditions that is usually taught in most schools (Dojo’s), and allowed techniques to be mastered and then flow on to the next, without the bias anarchy of martial arts politics getting involved. Within a few years, brothers had manipulated many techniques from different styles, and became masters in their own …show more content…

The Author is in the background in FOA stance after demonstrating for the monks the Ten Style Step Kata’s). Training and practice was free and open to the public, everyone was welcomed or challenged? The training was daily as they met and performed the student enrollments (1/10) ten-style step, performed on unstable house-bricks one-to-ten bricks set high, thus representing the element Earth and all the while building and quoting their 120 lessons and daily mathematics. The one to thirty six hand styles are used in karate, kung fu, boxing and jujitsu. Each particular hand maneuver was demonstrated with precision and accuracy, and is represented by the element Fire. They noted; the principles behind a strike (Dim Mok or fatal spots-some brothers were first introduced to the death touch in 1968, when they read an article about John Keehan aka Count Dante the deadliest man alive) and each strikes relative destructive powers. Resuscitation or the process of restoration// or healing from a blow was also spoken about but only lightly touched upon (more or less if a brother got hurt he had to deal with it). In addition, was the practice of (Ukemi) falling or landing and recovering from extreme heights in case of an

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