Roughly six thousand years ago, God decided to speak everything into existence in just six days, but many people believe that not to be true. There are many people that believe in the Big Bang, Evolution, Chemical or the Day-age theory. But those theories are false and the one and only true way is the Lord God's way. There are even different theories inside of the Bible including the Youth and Old Earth theories. There are many theories and different ideas of how the universe was created. But the one and true way was by God in six days. According to scripture in Genesis 1:1, “In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth…”. Each day was something even more amazing and something new to God's plan. “God separated the light from the …show more content…
God created the great sea creatures and every living creature that moves… the fifth day… God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him… the sixth day... “ (English Standard Version). In these six days, God created everything perfect in his own image and He thought it was good. There is the Young Earth theory of each of the six days being a normal 24-hour day. Creationists for the Young Earth theory argue that the Bible was written as actual history and was to be understood as actual history. And that the Bible clearly teaches a young Earth. Specifically, that the time from the beginning of the universe to the creation of humans was the six days recorded in Genesis 1, and that the time from the creation of man to the birth of Abraham was approximately 1950 years, as recorded in the Biblical genealogies. The theory though has the same beliefs of everything else of scripture. According to NW Creation Network, “Young earth creation scientists also believe that the first law of thermodynamics and