Biblical Worldview Essay

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Basically, a worldview is the way people see the world in response to their experiences and beliefs. What a person believes about the world depends on his or her metaphysical, methodological, and axiological views. Metaphysic is a philosophy concerning between nature of being and nonbeing. Metaphysics is the foundation of philosophy and is necessary to answer those questions: what is real? And are we free? Reality is absolute. Without knowing and explanation about what an absolute truth is around the world, people cannot act according to their beliefs or preserve themselves. In the bible states that “In the beginning, God created the heaves and the earth” (Gen1:1). The world is real and exist, so it has a specific nature of being which impact people’s lives. Therefore, metaphysics construct a worldview with the knowledge of nature of being. …show more content…

The questions of this is what is possible? What is knowledge? What is truth? The bible states that “God created all other knowers” (Rev. 4:11). Epistemology is a general way of how people think consisting of all ideas and memories. It is also required to distinguish true form the false to act and Epistemology helps to do so. Without the explanation of epistemology, people could not think and it is hard to approach to understand of reality. In the bible said that “In the beginning was the logic…” (John1:1, 14) It means that since people were made in the image of God, God made people to be logical and

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