Big Brother Report

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“The average 21 year old has sent about 250,000 emails, instant messages, and text messages alone” (“23 Cool Tech Facts,” 2014). How would you feel if each of those messages were being read by the government? The National Security Agency (NSA) is constantly checking every message that is sent through electronic devices, such as cellular phones or computers, in fear of acts of terrorism. They are able to invade our personal lives whether we like it or not at any moment in time. This is the reason why I think that technology is transforming our society into the world of Big Brother.
Big Brother constantly watches over its citizens through the use of telescreens. “The telescreen received and transmitted simultaneously.. Any sound would be picked …show more content…

In the story it says “It is intolerable to us that an erroneous thought should exist anywhere in the world” (Orwell 189). Media plays a significant role in how people think and act today. Propaganda techniques are used in everything from commercials to the radio. These are all meant to influence the population to believe in certain information. People blindly believe anything they see online without knowing that the information can be completely false.
We cannot do much to stop the government from watching us. Programmers have tried to make programs that conceal data from cellular corporations to prevent them from taking personal information. This, however, is not effective because the government is still able to watch what we do. The only legitimate way to stop the government from watching is by giving up your phone and use of internet. Unfortunately, this is extremely difficult because within the modern times, technology is becoming more and more prevalent. People depend on technology every day for not only entertainment, but also for their jobs and education. This means that giving up the use of internet and phones is not really an option and we just have to accept the fact that we are going to be watched when using these