Big Brothers Big Sister Research Paper

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Have you ever thought you needed a mentor or wanted to mentor other children? If so, Big Brothers Big Sisters is the organization for you. Big Brothers Big Sisters is a non-profit organization intended to help kids ages 6-18 guide their life in the right direction. The problem that Big Brothers Big Sisters are addressing is children not having the opportunity to have a good influence in their life. This non-profit organization is a great way for children to learn lifelong lessons through genuine people that want to help children as much as they can. Big Brothers Big Sisters is addressing a major problem that is not only in South Carolina but is all around the world. They are addressing the issue of children not always having a good influence …show more content…

This led to the creation of Big Brothers Big Sisters. The first juvenile detention center was established in 1899, when the issue came up of kids constantly acting out was. According to “The New York House of Refuge became the first movement in what was to later become the juvenile justice system” This could be a reason why Big Brothers Big Sisters started in New York. The causes for these children acting out could be bad parenting, schools not addressing rules, or bad influences. Big Brothers Big Sisters are specifically addressing kids not having a bad influence in their life. That is why they created a mentor program, to provide a good influence on children! They have tried many solutions, such as tutoring children to improve academic success, simply taking a kid out to eat pizza to ensure the children have a good influence, and spirit nights to help the kids make friends. All of these solutions have been successful! The statistics show that kids that have been mentored by Big Brothers Big Sisters are more confident in their school work, able to get along better with family, 46% less likely to start doing illegal drugs, 27% less likely to drink alcohol, and 52% less likely to skip school. As the mentoring program is helping most students, some kids will still act out, that's life, but at least Big Brothers Big Sisters are creating a good environment for the …show more content…

Big Brothers started in 1904 when a court clerk namer Ernest Coulter was seeing a lot of boys in the courtroom in New York. At this time they had not added the Big Sisters yet because boys were more prone to act out than girls. By 1916, Big Brothers had spread to 96 cities across the country! Later in 1977, Big Brothers joined forces with a program called Ladies of Charity, leading to the name Big Brothers Big Sisters. Today, Big Brothers Big Sisters occupies all 50 states in the United States, plus 35 other countries around the

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