Part A
The Big Mac has a total of 550 Calories equal to 2,301.2 kilojoules. This takes up more than one-quarter of the daily kilojoule intake for an adult.
There are 29 grams of fat, 10 grams of saturated fats, and 1.5 grams of trans fat. This amount takes up 50% of your daily intake of fat. Too much fat can result in elevated amounts of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in your blood. This can result in heart disease and stroke.
75 milligrams of cholesterol is in the Big Mac. The daily intake of cholesterol is 300 milligrams. This amount in one meal is very high therefore it can affect your body because tremendous amounts of cholesterol can lead to the build-up of cholesterol on the artery walls. Build-up on artery walls can lead
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Most adults have about 10 grams daily, but the adequate intake of sodium is 920 milligrams. Consuming too much sodium will lead to high blood pressure. Having too much salt can lead to fluid retention for some people. Fluid retention is the build-up of fluids in body tissue. Having excess sodium could increase your risk of heart failure and stroke.
The Big Mac has a total of 46 grams of carbohydrates. The daily intake of carbohydrates is between 225 and 325 grams. In the Big Mac, this amount is the lowest out of all the items in the Big
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Tobacco is linked to heart disease and cancer. If you start smoking as a child your risk of Cardiovascular Disease is much higher the someone who started as an adult. Passive smoking will also increase the risk of Cardiovascular Disease.
The diet has the biggest impact on the prevention of Cardiovascular Disease. Changing a diet can lower the risk of having Cardiovascular Disease. A diet with saturated fat increases the risk. High blood pressure is a major risk factor because if you have a diet high in sodium can lead to hypertension. The harmful use of alcohol has been shown to damage heart muscle and increase the risk of stroke and cardiac arrhythmia.
Saturated fats and trans fats will raise your cholesterol levels, which can lead to a clog up in the arties. This can raise your risk of Cardiovascular Disease.
If you are overweight you may develop hypertension, diabetes and atherosclerosis. These conditions will put you at high risk of cardiovascular disease. Obesity is one of the major risk factors for Cardiovascular Disease. the overall human population is getting heavier as shown by the increasing rates of obesity. Currently, there are 400 million adults worldwide who are obese and one billion who are overweight. If you are overweight the risk of developing Type 2 diabetes and hypertension rises