Bilingual Education Act Essay

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“The Bilingual Education Act was passed in 1968 and six years later the Equal Educational Opportunities Act in 1974”both which impact English as a second language learners positively and bridge the gap way for bilingual education (Stewner-Manzanares, G.,1988, Fall).Bilingual education which ideally is education that incorporates two languages into teaching. The two languages coming from the spoken languages of a school’s specific community. The use of this type of bilingual education has been shown to have positive results not only on ESLs but English-speaking learners as well although there are those whom look negatively on the subject. Though through this research we will only examine the positives and the implications of bilingual education …show more content…

Which unlike traditional bilingual education, transitional bilingual education focuses on first on building upon the student’s home language then gradually incorporating English into. The researches wanted to put TBE to the test and see how it compared to the only model of ELL education EO (English Only). In this study the researchers had a group of 31 preschools students whom spoke Spanish divided into two classrooms one TBE with a teacher and teacher assistant whom both spoke Spanish and another with a teacher whom only spoke English and teacher assistant whom could speak Spanish but required not to in the classroom. In both groups students were read to everyday the same book for both classes but in the EO class the book was only read in English and TBE in Spanish. Both class also participated in home visits with EO teacher only speaking in English and TBE teacher speaking in Spanish. After concluding the study results showed that TBE may be a promising approach to supporting Spanish language and literacy development without significant cost to English development based upon the significantly higher growth on both Spanish oral vocabulary and letter–word identification measures for students that were part of the TBE

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