Bill Clinton Pros And Cons

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Bill Clinton 1992 William Jefferson Clinton, also known as Bill Clinton, was born August 19, 1946. Bill Clinton later married Hillary Rodham in 1975. In 1976 Clinton was elected attorney general of Arkansas and he became the youngest governor in the county in 1978. He ran in the 1992 elections representing the democratic party. Clinton was running against George H. W. Bush and Ross Perot. George H. W. Bush was running for reelection while Clinton and Ross were new candidates. Bill Clinton was a former governor and Ross was an independent third-party candidate. The three dominant planks Clinton conveyed were an economic plan to prosper in the world economy, offer a new health care plan for the full country, and offer a plan to ensure a world-class …show more content…

Former President Bush had believed that the government should not spend money on things like homelessness and crime. Instead, he thought it would be more effective to spend it on more essential things, such as infrastructure and tax benefits. Clinton wanted to completely dispose of Bush's previous ideas. One of his major ideas was to pull the American economy in the direction of the managed capitalism found in Japan and some parts of Europe. In those areas, governments play a larger role in shaping industries and markets. To obtain that transformation, Clinton wanted to offer a variety of programs, "...[F]rom tax breaks for start-up businesses to a multibillion-dollar agency for commercial research and skills training for all American workers,"(NY Times). Clinton believed in putting America's economy within competing for level with other major countries, like Germany and Japan. To achieve that goal, he wanted the government to help create markets, instead of trying to manage or direct them. Clinton also believed that the country needed to grow its economy long-term. In order to do this, he proposed a plan, which involved several tiers. To start, he planned to create an investment tax credit and a new enterprise …show more content…

It requires that businesses provide their employees a standard health care package. The plan also requires that the business pays for at least 80% of the cost of the Government’s standard health benefits package. Clinton had also kept in mind that his plan would create more jobs, “The Clinton Plan creates a new, presidentially appointed agency that will have general oversight over the American health care system”(Moffit Para.6). Not only does his plan give citizens the health care they deserve, it creates more jobs for qualified people. There are five key mechanisms that would greatly broaden and deepen government control over the financing and delivery of medical services in the new American health care system. The first is the National Health Board. They will manage what goes on with the plan ranging from the pricing of health insurance premiums, the approval of new benefits to be included in any government health care plan and to enforce the public and private spending limitations at the national and state level. The second mechanism is the Regional Health alliances. They would be a new state-based system that will control the availability of health plans, enforce health budgets, enroll employees in the new system, collect premiums and ordinarily enforce the national insurance rules and regulations. The third is a Standard Benefits Package. It is a plan that

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