Bill Haast: The Snake Venom

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Bill Haast is a man who claimed to inject the snake venom in his body for more than sixty years. He injected a mixture of the venoms of snakes that include Vipers, Cobras, and Mambas etc. He claimed that these injections of snake venom made his immune system stronger and this was proved on many serious occasions which a normal man cannot survive. It is said that he was bitten by snakes for more than one hundred and sixty times. His blood was reported to be filled with the antibodies. He was considered a superhuman possessing super blood. Even his blood was demanded as a cure for the snake bites. He died in 2011 and till the end he kept on injecting himself with the snake venom. He died at the age of one hundred years. The life which he lived …show more content…

Different snakes are studied along with their healing capacities. The first chapter is about the snake venom. It is written in the introductory phase to clear your doubts regarding the snake venom. The complete information is provided to you to get your head straight about it, which will be discussed further in the book. The constituents are also explained along with their effect on the human body. The method for the extraction of snake venom is discussed in the chapter 2, to make it clear that the primitive way of allowing the snake to bite oneself in order to get immunity was very risky and dangerous. The human body does not survive through all the components of the snake venom. There are several elements in it that can be very harmful to a human body. So we need to carefully extract the venom and make use of only those components that are productive by isolating the components from the venom. The following chapter makes it clear that snakes have many healing strengths. It is explained that snakes are not only harmful to us. The complete chapter is devoted to the diseases that can be controlled and healed by the snake

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