Bill Of Rights Of America Essay

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Emerging as a democratic experimental phoenix from the ashes of tyranny, the United States of America began its journey as thirteen sundered colonies consisting of thirteen discrete governments. The United States of America’s Constitution was derived in an effort to ameliorate the infant country and form a cohesive union unified under a federal government. The fathers of the Constitution recognized the significance of elasticity of content in a document that was to be framed as the supreme law of the land. The fathers of the Constitution recognized that the constitution alone would not provide adequate reinforcement to a country where the objective was simple: liberty. With James Madison’s drafting of the Bill of Rights, the Constitution …show more content…

Its foremost source is the Quran, the Islamic holy book. Encased within the Quran is the prophet Muhammad’s verbal instructions unveiled by Allah (God) and transcribed in Arabic. In Shari’a law, any language translation of the Quran is not considered veracious but rather a rough interpretation of the Word. The second primary source is the Hadith; unlike the Quran, it is not a single document but instead an amalgamation of numerous authors and texts. The Hadith follows daily habits and life of Muhammad with an emphasis on the exemplary lifestyle lived by the Prophet. Third and final is the point of religious reference -- the fatwa. This portion of Shari’a law calls for an official interpretation by a high ranking member of the Islamic government on issues where the Quran and the Hadith lacked clarity. These three sections generate the denotation of Shari’a and lay the foundation of fundamental Islamic Law. (Qaraḍāwī …show more content…

Shari’a law is a monstrosity. It does not allow for a country to evolve because it refutes growth and individualism. The impressive stature of the United State’s constitution correlates intimately with its ability to mold based on American society’s evolving needs and perspective. The constitution calls for an identity as an individual whereas Shari’a law restricts a country to a collective. Shari’a is a monstrosity not only to the those who are oppressed but also to the oppressors who suffer from close-mindedness that had been passed down for generations. As with all monsters, Shari’a law possesses honorable character traits concealed under its detrimental attributes; at the very heart of Shari’a is an attempt to shield Islam from the promiscuity of the world. Even though the premise of Shari’a is virtuous, its actions wreck havoc onto those who do not conform to a certain principle regardless of faith or belief. Shari’a law was born with the idea of protecting the beliefs of Islam, but instead, it infringed on the rights of both participants and spectators of the

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