Billy Budd Moral

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Through the Story of Billy Budd Herman Melville shows the reader that logic overcomes morals as logical suppresses morals when dealing with Billy Budd. Melville throughout the story shows both moral and logical forces superseding each other but logic becomes the winner as Billy is found guilty. In society logic is the common thing to do and the logic of laws always win whether or not fair. Melville shows the unfairness of the world in how morals are not placed highly as they should be just as important as logic.
Billy Budd is one of the best sailors on the merchant ship the Rights of Man and the naval ship Bellipotent. Everyone knows about Billy’s adept goodness but he is still prosecuted to hang for killing Claggart who wrongfully accuses him of upbringing an mutiny. All the sailors call Billy the, “Handsome sailor” (p.1) who exemplifies …show more content…

Even angels, holy figures, must abide by human laws no matter how good they are. Melville is trying to show a flaw in the system as Billy is put into a horrible position with a man trying to frame him for mutiny. Captain Vere knows of Billy goodness but even that cannot save him when he kills someone who is evil. Vere knows that hanging Billy is much easier than defending him. Billy is used as a scapegoat in the news about arising mutiny in order to scare others. The sacrifice of a good man for other people’s wrongdoings such as Claggart wrongfully accusing him and the uprising of a mutiny represents Billy as a Jesus like figure by helping other by suffering himself. Given the scenario as a lawyer it is much easier to prosecute Billy than defend him as his goodness can not be represented in court but only his one wrong doing. This is why logic overcomes morals as it is easier to hang Billy then find the truth showing how the world can be corrupt too as stories like these can be told and the unjust outcome and reasons are