Bine Eating Disorder Essay

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When people envision food, they often think of the wonderful flavors that are involved in eating a delicious meal, or the mouthwatering sensation that they experience when they smell their Moms cooking. Many however do not take into account why they are experiencing hunger, and where it comes from. There are many biological factors involved in appetite that include different signals from numerous areas of the body. The much-needed energy people need, is derived from the food we eat, and it is an important regulatory process for people to stay healthy. Sometimes a person’s apatite is not properly regulated however, and which causes people to have problems due to over and under eating. When a person is in need of energy, signals from the body …show more content…

A person eating large quantities of food in a short time characterizes the binge eating disorder. Another form of binge eating is Bulimia nervosa where individuals, after they have eaten a large quantity of food, take extreme measures to compensate for the amount of food they consumed. Some actions they will take include throwing up, taking laxatives, or over-exercising. Another eating disorder is anorexia nervosa and it is when people eat very little or not at all because they are scared of being overweight. This is a very dangerous eating problem as many of the people that experience this eating disorder will be dangerously under weight, but still see themselves as being too heavy. It can lead to serious complications and even starving themselves to …show more content…

When I finally reached that goal, I still wasn’t satisfied with my self-image. I decided to try and lose more pounds; because I thought that then I would be able to love myself. I am very thankful to have wonderful parents who were there for me and began to tell me that I had a problem. They had been noticing my change in weight and heard me complain about being too fat, when in reality I was becoming to thin. If it weren’t for them, I would have developed an even worse problem and probably would have had to go to the hospital for help, or perhaps starved myself to

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