Biofuels Or Fossil Fuels Be What Powers The Future Of America?

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In modern day American fossil fuels, such as, coal and oil produce over 65% of the electricity used by the United States (U.S. Department of Energy, 2017). Due to the effects brought on by fossil fuel it brings up the question, should the use of biofuels or fossil fuels be what powers the future of America? In order to answer this question, one must understand what biofuels and fossil fuels are and how they work. Biofuels are fuel resources that come from biological things, such as, plants, corn or even recently algae. These types of fuels are becoming more and more common. Especially, as many gas stations start offering a biofuels that are derived from corn as an option over normal petroleum. One downfall, is that most cars are unable to burn that type of fuel at this point in time. Also, due to the fact that biofuels are a more recent development it is not being used as a source to make electricity on a wide scale basis. Fossil fuels are resources such as oil, which are also known as crude oils. These oils are an important resource in today's society. Fossil fuels are used in most places, such as, power plants, factories, cars and boats. They release large amounts of carbon dioxide which is believed to lead to global warming. Many environmental activist groups rally to bring apart change in the fuels or ways the United States makes …show more content…

Both resources are burned in things such as cars and power plants. In power plants, either fossil fuels or biofuels are burned which creates the steam that moves the turbine that creates the electricity. In a car, fossil fuels or biofuels produce a small explosion which move the cylinders and in turn allow the vehicle to move. A negative to burning both biofuels and fossil fuels is that carbon dioxide is produced. carbon dioxide is a gas that, along with other greenhouse gases cause global warming and possible health effects if exposed to over long periods of

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