Biography Of Zelda By Daylan Ngenya

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Once creative piece By Daylan Ngwenya I am at the printing factory just walking around, looking at the surroundings. I keep on walking. Suddenly I hear German soldiers shooting and a group of German Shepard dogs barking, I suddenly run as fast as I can to the cellar where the other kids are. I am very, terrified I am running as fast as I can. However, it is too late the Nazis found our cellar. I am terrified. I see Zelda scared. They dragged all of us out of the cellar, I ask Barney,”Where are they taking us?” I say. Barney responds “We are going to the railway station”. What? I am without a doubt scared and worried about what’s going to happen to me and the rest of the children but especially Zelda since she has the very life threatening sickness …show more content…

The Nazi soldiers look really grumpy and upset for some reason. However, in the corner of my eye I see some Jewish men, women and children hiding in the buildings along the streets. I think the Nazis are making us walk on streets because they want us to feel hopeless and give ourselves up. I whisper to Zelda, “Can you see I’m wearing your locket around my neck”. Zelda says, “Yes, I know.” “I want you to take it off for me and put it on yourself”, I state. Zelda states, “I gave it to you. It makes me feel not quite so bad about my mum and dad”. “I want to give it back to you, since it is yours”. I say. Then I feel her hot hands reaching for the chain. Wow, it is absolutely crowded with Jewish people in the railway ward and everyone is yelling loudly. Most of us are excited since we have not been on a train before. Soldiers are pushing people roughly into the train. The train looks very dodgy since they look like big boxes with sliding doors and the floors are extremely dirty theirs mud, dirt and dust. All of a sudden, a women just collapses on the floor. I am truly terrified and shocked. Suddenly, a Nazi comes over steps over her and then...Shoots. The poor woman has been shot right the head. I am in disbelief. Barney says, “Make a tent”, “Everyone make a tent”. I cannot put my arms up since I am holding Zelda on my …show more content…

Barney states “Crush two into powder”. Therefore, I crush two into my palm and Barney says, “Put the powder into the water”. Therefore, I then do that and then I give the bottle to Barney for Zelda to drink. After Zelda drinks it, I show Barney the locket around her neck. For some strange reason he stares at it and does not say anything, but Zelda mutters “I hate Polish people who join the Nazis”. A few moments later, Barney decides that Zelda and I crawl out of the tent. Wait a second that’s soldier who was the dental patient of Barney’s. The one that wants my African storybook. I start to go over to him. Barney grabs me. “If you leave a queue in a place like this, you will get shot”. At that point I am thinking to myself what was I thinking? That was a stupid move. So I yell, “I’ve got your story here, over here”. He doesn’t seem to hear me, therefore I yell some