Biological And Biological Explanations Of Schizophrenia Essay

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Compare and contrast psychological and biological explanations of schizophrenia. Schizophrenia is a major mental disorder that affects the way of a person acting, thinking and seeing the world, the patients will find it difficult to distinguish between what is real and unreal and manage emotions. According to U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH AND HUMAN SERVICES(2014), approximately 1% of American is being affected by the disorder, most of the cases appear in the late teen and early adulthood and it also affect both gender. People with Schizophrenia may have delusion and hallucination which mean they may hear or see something that does not exist. Their behavior maybe dissocial due to grossly disorganized or catatonic behavior and do not wish to communicate …show more content…

Stressful life events such as the death of parent or the financial problem may be linked with a higher risk of developing schizophrenic. Brown and Birley (1968) found that patients who had been affected by schizophrenia twice due to many stressful life events happened in the three weeks. Meanwhile, in the healthy control group only 12% experienced such an event nine weeks before. Neurotransmitters levels changing are believed to play a role as stress factors that cause schizophrenia. In a psychodynamic approach, Freud mentioned that if the world of the schizophrenia is especially harsh, a child may become fixated at a particular stage of development. Freud observed the common behaviors of schizophrenics, such as society withdrawing and unable to communicate with their self centered focus evidence. According to Comer (2003), the people who have the symptoms of schizophrenia are seen as abnormal from the way we define normal behaviour. If the unusual behaviours displayed on a person, they would be considered as deviant, and people may apply the label of ‘schizophrenic’ on them. It will become a self-fulfilling prophecy that develops other symptoms of schizophrenia once this diagnostic label is

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