Biomedical Gerontology Case Study

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Aging can generally be described as the process of growing old and is a complex part of the life cycle. Basically aging is a multidimensional process and influence almost every aspect of human life. Scholars have been defined aging in various ways. Lemma (2014) by referring WHO (2004) report stated aging as ‘a normal biological process defined as those time-dependent, irreversible changes that lead to progressive loss of functional capacity after the point of maturity.’ These irreversible changes that the World Health Organization listed include ‘physiological, psychological and social that is progressive, decrement and irreversible, of structural and functional body organs.’
The phenomenon of aging is studied by Gerontology. Gerontology is …show more content…

This made it possible for it to lack structural and institutional support required. However, the massive increment in the elderly population in the post-industrial western nations made Gerontology to become most rapidly growing field of study.
Branches of Gerontology
The below mentioned are the branches of gerontology, which are embedded in its scope dealt above.
Bio-gerontology: This is a sub-field of gerontology that studies the biological process of ageing. It is composed of the interdisciplinary research on biological ageing, causes, effects and mechanisms in order to better understand human senescence.
Biomedical gerontology: This is also known as experimental gerontology or life extension. Life extension is a sub discipline of bio-gerontology that endeavours to slow, prevent and even reverse ageing in both humans and animals by curing age-related diseases and showing the underlying processes of ageing. Some bio gerontologists are at intermediate position, emphasizing the studying of the ageing process as a means of mitigating ageing associated diseases.
Medical gerontology: This branch of gerontology deals the biological causes and effects of ageing. Medical gerontology is considered by many scientists to be the most important area in ageing research ( Kalinga& …show more content…

The very aim of social gerontology since its beginning as a discipline has been to understand and improve the lives of older adults, and to improve the problems of aging. Hence, social gerontologists are interested in the influence of cultural, political, economic and social forces and conditions on the processes of aging. Moreover, it deals with the statuses and well-being of older people. Social gerontology instigates the ways in which the older population and the diversity of the aging experience influence and are influenced by social organization, social system and social structures (N, M. Putney, &etal, 2005; Onyenemezu,

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