My determination to study Biomedical Sciences originates from my role as the primary caregiver for my father following his heart attack, epilepsy and decreased mobility. Through his care, I have been enlightened on the wide variety of uses for a single medicine. An example of this is aspirin which I previously believed was solely for pain relief but has help my father to help prevent blood clots and thin his blood. His illness has undoubtedly driven my aspirations to enter the biomedical field. Originating from a culture which relied on herbal medicines and recipes, I have closely followed the progress of the pharmaceutical industry from the development and refinery of Paclitaxel from the bark of the Pacific yew tree. The realm of science has …show more content…
Through my study of English and History I have developed my analytical and inference skills. This means I am able to go beyond the surface and delve deeper, this was apparent throughout my AS Biology course where I went beyond the syllabus to further my knowledge on the various diseases I studied, an example I researched is the way in which the alveoli functions at birth. Initially, the alveoli is filled with fetal lung fluid so the baby takes its first and most difficult breath to expel this and replace it with oxygen, letting out the cry has become synonymous with new life. As the amount of oxygen increases, it stimulates the closing of the ductus arteriosus which was previously vital in ensuring that blood is diverted away from the lungs. After birth, the baby needs blood to circulate through the lungs, and therefore, the ductus arteriosus is no longer needed, hence the closing. I find the science behind this and other biological systems captivating and this motivates me to continue to broaden my knowledge. My study of Biology and Chemistry in combination with English and History means that I am a well-rounded student with both scientific aptitude and the ability to interpret data; qualities which I believe are essential in the pursuit of a career in Biomedical …show more content…
Whilst volunteering I encountered many elderly people who suffered from a wide ranges of diseases and ailments such as Diabetes, Epilepsy, Dementia and Alzheimer’s. I was shown the vast amounts of medication in which the patients are given and could see the visual difference it made to them following a couple of hours and they relief they felt. My activities outside my studies include archery, debating and working with the Newham youth council where I have held the position of a youth counselor for two and half years. I help to promote politics and voting both in my sixth-form where I hold the post of a senior prefect, and the adjoining secondary school in a bid to inspire a younger generation to vote when they are of age. My participation in debating has played a pivotal role in the development of my confidence and by ability to speak publicly, this has also helped me with my role as a youth councillor as I am now able articulate my arguments and opinions more effectively at meetings truly wish to continue on in