Biomedical Vs Socio Medical Model

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Within in this essay it will be looking at a case study and how either socio-medical or biomedical applies to the case study.The case study in which is above will be used throughout the essay. First though there has to be an understanding of what socio-medical and biomedical is within sociology. The socio-medical model focuses on the social factors in which will attribute to ones health it also focuses on society as a whole instead of looking at an individual. Biomedical is an approach to health and illness in which identifies the absence of disease and focuses on the diganosining and curing of an individual with the illness. Within the case study it tells us that the families living conditions are poor, that there are various health …show more content…

Another advantage in which this model has is that the United Kingdom has a number of goverment support and stratergies in which are in place to help support individuals and the community in the area. A third advantage in which the socio-medical model is that it encourages individuals to take responsibilities and lead healthier lifestyles in which will be able to help benefit the individual but also the wider community. By having an individual taking responisbility for leading to a healthier lifestyle and helping the wider community allows the communityto have different approaches in which involve a number of levels for the goverment and non-goverment organisations. The major advantage of using the socio-medical model is that it is able to increase the economic development of the country as it is a less costly way in which to prevent …show more content…

Though there is many advanatges and disadvantages in which are in the socio-medical there are also a number of advantages and disadvanategs kwithin the biomedical model as well. The advantages of the biomedical model ia that it is able to have advances in technology in which helps then battle other illnesses and healrth issues in the future and even now. It then means that extra research is able to be done to help with the advances in technology but also with the treatnment care in which is then given. The biomedical approach is able to increases the life expectancy of an individual nut also the wider community through the research and advances in the

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