Bipolar Disorder Case Study Essay

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According to our Psychiatric mental health nursing text, bipolar disorder is “characterized by mood swigs from profound depression to extreme euphoria (mania), with intervening periods of normalcy” (2015, page 499).

• What is the priority RN action for this client?
The priority RN action for this client is to maintain a low level of stimuli and to observe the clients’ behavior regularly. A stimulating environment can cause anxiety levels to rise. The RN needs to “intervene at the first sign of anxiety, agitation, or verbal or behavioral aggression” (2015, page 508). The RN must maintain a calm attitude towards the client as well make sure he/she has a sufficient staff available to indicate show of strength to the client if necessary. (2015, page 508).
• Which medical concerns may be significant, considering this client’s recent behavior?
Medical concerns that may be of significance for this patient include contraction of a STD due to having multiple sexual partners. Since she is dressing more provocatively she may unfortunately be raped, especially attending frequent “wild” parties. …show more content…

I would explain that bipolar disorder is cyclic in nature, has symptom of both depression and mania and I would explain some causes of bipolar disorder. I would also explain that there is a genetic component to bipolar disorder. “Studies have shown that if one parent has bipolar disorder, the risk the child will have the disorder is around 28 percent. If both parents have the disorder, the risk is 2 to 3 times as great” 2015, page 502). Some medications have been known to trigger manic responses. These medications include steroids, amphetamines, antidepressants, as well as high doses of anticonvulsants and narcotics (2015 page 502-503). The patient needs to know that there are three stages of bipolar disorder as well. These stages include hypomania, acute mania and delirious