Bipolar Disorder Thesis Statement

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Background Bipolar Disorder, also known as “manic-depressive disorder,” is a mental disorder identified by extreme shifts in mood, or mood swings. An individual with bipolar disorder experiences fluctuate “highs” (what clinicians call “mania“) and “lows” (known as depression). Periods for manic and depression can be brief, from simply a couple of hours to a couple of days, or more, enduring up to a few weeks or even months. Thesis Statement Research shows that bipolar disorder cause trouble to around 4 million people in the United States and is the fifth heading reason of disability around the world. The amount of people with bipolar disorder who commit suicide is 60 times higher than the general population. Therefore, bipolar disorder has …show more content…

A person who have experienced abuse, mental stress, a ‘significant loss’ and traumatic events such as the death of loved ones contributed to bipolar disorder. According to William E. Callahan, “ Methamphetamine, cocaine, LSD, and pot are the stimulating street drugs that are the risk factors for bipolar disorder. Basically, any substance that pushes mood up or down will worsen the condition of bipolar disorder but not a cause of bipolar disorder. Bipolar condition can be worsen due to alcohol, caffeine, and prescription drugs such as stimulants and the used for ADHD ( Bressert …show more content…

It may turn to be a serious illness to a person if we do not recognize it earlier. This is because bipolar disorder affects our life as it results that the patients could not concentrate and worsen the relationship between family, friends and in our occupational functioning. Although bipolar disorder cannot be fully cured, there are still treatments that help to control the illness so that person with bipolar disorder could have a chance to life a ‘normal’ life. Thus, we should help and taking good care of people with bipolar disorder so that they are encouraged to face the illness they have. So as the therapies, hopefully in the meantime, the treatment for current available therapies will be

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