Birds In Kate Chopin's The Awakening

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In Kate Chopin’s The Awakening, birds symbolize Edna Pontellier’s journey toward ultimate freedom. In the beginning, birds represent Edna feeling trapped and oppressed. For instance, the opening of the novel includes a parrot in a cage squawking at Leonce to ‘go away.’ Edna, like the bird, wants to be free from Leonce, who keeps her caged in a metaphorical. Another example lies in Edna’s experience listening to the piano, in which she has a vision of a bird flying away from a naked man. Even though it will leave Leonce vulnerable and alone, Edna wants to escape her marriage. Later in the novel, Edna’s attempts at leaving her responsibilities are symbolized by birds. The moment in which Mademoiselle Reiz tells Edna she needs “strong wings”