Birth Control Research Paper

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There is a new thing out in public called “Birth Control”. It is designed to stop unwanted pregnancies. The first form of early contraceptives was fish bladder condoms. From the topic Birth Control we will be looking from when Margaret Sanger opened the first birth control clinic, through the many stages of birth control forms, to side effects and re-inventions, failures, preventions, negative publicity, and other aspects of birth control between the 1910’s-present. The first Contraceptive pioneer, Margaret Sanger , opened the first birth control in 1916 in hopes of new forms of contraceptives rather than the traditional methods ( After lots of funding, Carl Djerassi invents the first oral contraceptive, better known as “The Pill” …show more content…

She wrote the check in Gregory Piscus' name. John Rock and Gregory Pincus try the pill with 50 women and it succeeds ( . The pill later started having difficulties. Even though the pill is thoroughly effective , women start having major side effects that the manufacturers ignore ( After giving horrible side effects, the pill is reformulated ( Women become so startled that they try to find new alternatives to birth control. Later, women start claiming that Lysol is a new form of contraceptives( The FDA warns women not to use lysol as a contraceptive, because it is killing women who use it in that way. By the 1990’s, there are more than thirty million users of Envoid ( It is now said that the pill increases the risks of heart attacks, blood clots, and strokes ( In 1967, a thirteen year old rape victim became unwillingly pregnant her attacker. Doctors were trying to find ways to stop the fertilization. They found a way to stop it involving estrogen. They then adopted the use of estrogen to stop fertilization ( In 1998 FDA approves “The Morning After Pill” causing sales of Envoid to decrease