Birthright Citizenship Essay

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Do we consider them true Citizens? To be considered a United States citizen a person shall go thorough naturalization process or gain citizenship based on the natural born citizen right that has been mentioned in the 14th amendment of U.S. constitution. The right that guarantees U.S. citizenship to anyone that has been born on U.S. soil. Today all across the United States the question is that if birthright citizenship to anyone who has born in U.S. soil and within U.S. borders is right or not? Birthright citizenship encourages people of other countries to illegally move to United States to have baby on U.S. soil. Professor Lino Graglia says that this right is irrational and also self-defeating in the legal system. She believes …show more content…

citizens. Choosing Los Angles as the port of entry, mostly being Chinese tourists they come to U.S. to give birth to their children. “No reliable data exists on the number of Chinese births in the U.S., but estimates by industry publications projected a total of 60,000 for 2014” (Sheehan). Los Angles being the largest birth tourism city in United States, “federal agents investigated 37 locations in southern California involved with birth tourism.” (Feere). Many of those children that were born in U.S. come back to U.S. “to take advantage of U.S.-taxpayer subsidized high schools in Idaho, Utah, and California.” Which most of them show their loyalty to their parents’ hometown rather United States(Feere). Besides China which has the highest birth tourism in United States, there are some other countries such as Brazil, Korea, Nigeria, and Mexico that also give birth to their children in United States due to the law of nation that directly says “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the state wherein they reside.” (U.S.