Bishop Jakes: The Story Of Peter Healing A Lame Beggar

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The sermon begins with an introduction to the story of Peter Healing a Lame Beggar and emphasizes on Acts 3:1-8. Bishop Jakes discusses that the man in the story was only expecting to receive something, no matter what it was, as long as it was something. He then goes into how people are afraid of disappointment, how to have the courage to raise your expectations, and how to break your patterns. He describes how the environment you are in can affect your success and how it’s beneficial to surround yourself with others who are better and who have different things than you do. To be able to want better and receive better, you have to surround yourself with better. It’s okay not to be attracted to the normal and try new things or meet new people. You don’t want to continue to be settled in a nasty situation until it eventually becomes what 's normal. Bishop Jakes then goes into the idea of routine and labeling it as what you build around what you think you can’t change. He then describes how people end their days at the same spots, no matter what different jobs they have, different dates they go on or different people they meet they don’t finish anywhere new. There is then a story about a lame man who is taken to a beautiful gate every single day, but his problem is so ugly that he can’t get into the beautiful place. He always gets extremely close to this place of access but doesn’t get in. This signifies how people don’t reach their desired places, and they may see others