Black American Cinema New Realism Essay

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Sathish Kumar
Ezekiel Crago
4 June 2018
What kind of critique can a film adaptation offer for a literary work and how does it do this?
Before films, stories were orally and visually communicated through the speaker’s voice, movements and the use of props to effectively narrate the content of the story. In another form of storytelling, books helped the reader imagine the setting, content and tone of the overall story before the introduction of films. Through picture and sound, movies gave the director’s perspective of the novel with their adaptation for the selected content of the story. While films introduce the audience with direct insight of the plot, novels use vivid description of the character to give the reader freedom …show more content…

In the article of ‘Black American Cinema: New Realism’ written by Manthia Diawara, he argues the racism towards black people in the perspective of Hollywood as they have represented them in America. In movies, Hollywood and independent filmmakers take different approaches in repudiating cinema from the story. Hollywood directors rely on stereotypes of black people in blaxploitation films to depict the struggles of the black community while freethinking movies depict the realism of African American life. Black actors have been used primarily in the Hollywood film industry by representing them poorly in the socio-economic hierarchy. In a film about white people, blacks only exist in relation to whiteness such as adapting them in certain roles such as criminals. While being used as objects of gang violence, drugs and racial drama to give plot to the movies, they are depicted as lower-class citizens and overly dramatized problems of society. Films were never about the ordinary lives of black people as their worlds were revolved around white people being nuisances of society that always caused trouble to the people around