Black Lives Matter Research Paper

878 Words4 Pages

Jacie Spiva
Professor Shaffer
English 1213
8:00 am-8:50 am
25 October 2015
Are Police Officers under Siege because of Black Lives Matter
Black Lives Matter is an activist movement in the United States that began in the wake of the July 2013 acquittal of George Zimmerman in the Florida shooting death of African-American teen Trayvon Martin. Since the 1800 African Americans have experienced in America slavery, segregation, Jim Crow laws, violence by hate groups such as the KKK. Now, in 2015 the new issue which caused the creation of “Black Lives Matter” is that African Americans feel like they are targeted by policemen, and that they are more at risk for getting shot by police officers than other races. Therefore, Americans are starting to wonder …show more content…

It is a rather peaceful movement outside of troublemakers coming in. In the end police are attacking improperly against African Americans and they are just trying to get equal treatment. African Americans just want the racism to end, unfortunately some think that rioting is a major factor in making sure that gets accomplished. Some Americans are under the impression that police officers are under siege because of the Black Lives Matter movement. These Americans believe this because of the riots that have occurred due to the movement. For an example on April 12 2015, in Baltimore, Maryland police arrested Freddie Gray an African American. According to some, Gray was in very good health and shape when he was arrested, but during his transportation in the police vehicle he received injuries in his neck and spine. Gray went into a coma and later died. The Black Lives Matter activist started rioting. Roughly 20 police officers were injured, 250 people arrested, 285-350 businesses were damaged, 150 vehicle fires, 60 structural fires, 27 drug stores were looted, and as a result thousands of …show more content…

Both sides want to put an end to all of the needless deaths. They both value life, and do not want their people to die. Also they both want a safe and orderly society and want everyone to not necessarily agree but to get along. Another shared belief for both those who believe police are under siege and those who do not, is that they both just want the issue to go away. Both sides would rather there not be a Black Lives Matter movement, not because black lives do not matter because they do, but because the movement separates