Black Panther Negative Effects

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To discuss the effects of latest Marvel Movie ‘Black Panther’, it is important to take a look at the history of Black Panther comic series and its evolution with time. If someone is aware of African-American Civil Rights Movements, it is impossible to miss Black Panther comic series connotations with the famous ‘Black Panther Movement’. The two seemly separate things have much more in common than it seems. The introduction of Black Panther happened in the midst of American civil right movement that happened from 1954 to 1968. ‘The Sensational Black Panther’ was first introduced in Fantastic Four no.52 in 1966 where an African Chieftain gifted Fantastic Four with a flying vehicle. This introduction was done by famous Stan Lee and Jack Kirby who wrote many other Marvel Superheroes series. Stan Lee and Jack Kirby felt …show more content…

He was the perfect superhero who represented a persona of someone who is always steps ahead of white counterparts. The feeling of profound pride within black readers when Black Panther was able to defeat Western Powers trying to sabotage the Wakanda, the fantasy that represented a place free from racial oppressions. The elicit feeling of empowerment that invoked when the Black Panther calmly claimed that he was with Avengers just to spy on them and walked away. The Black Panther was someone who has never faced prejudice, someone who is not afraid of the white ‘colonizers’, someone who was calculative and genius with more than enough financial backing. As a character, he is the king, the superhero who protected his tribes from the touch of western colonizers. This was very relatable punctum effect to the many blacks who were for the black self-determination movement. Black Panther was someone they would want to be. He has done what they are trying to achieve in reality, liberation from