Black Sox Scandal Analysis

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The unthinkable had happened during the 1919 World Series. It was fixed by the best team in baseball, and they had done so to lose. All for some money that was given by an outside source that had no place in being. A series of gangests offered to pay $10,000 for the eight players, for a total of $80,000 for each game. As the days grew closer to the Series, the total sum increase with the help of Arnold "Big Bankroll" Rothstein. He was the “most prominent gambler-sportsman in America.”
The gamblers and the players at many times couldn’t agree on a total of money allocated for the fixing. As one point, one of the gambles, Attell, “refused to pay the players any cash in advance, offering instead $20,000 for each loss in the best-of-nine Series. The players complained, but told the gamblers that they would throw the first two games with Cicotte …show more content…

Black Sox Scandal.” Disasters, Accidents, and Crises in American History, Facts On File, 2008. American History, Index?aid=16250&itemid=WE52&articleId=194704. Accessed 6 Mar. 2018

David Morrow analyzes the 1919 World Series Scandal as a detriment to basketball as a whole. The whole scandal changed the point of view of many Americans who thought the sport was completely honest. According to the article, the new commissioner wanted to
Jayakody 9 show that gambling and other acts of dishonesty would not be tolerated so he banned all eight players who were involved with the scandal. The players tried until their death to get the bad record off of them but to their letdown, it never happened
Davis explains the article that even though most knew that the players were guilty, they were still dismissed of their charges. The can be seen as interpreted to be seeing as they don’t know what they were doing. They tried to be acquitted from being banned all the way to their deaths. The main person that should be banned from baseball is Comiskey according to the