1. Introduction
1.1. Thesis: Tennessee Williams utilizes Blanche Dubois as a character who caught herself between the world of the past and refuses to accept the reality of the present and, so, chooses to escape reality through fantasies and illusion which is what ultimately leads to her destruction. Tennessee Williams uses motifs such as music, sounds, shadows, bathing, and social class status to essentially illuminate the embodiment of choice and the power it has over the soul ; thus, he uses Blanche Dubois to portray how catastrophic choices create a chain reaction of doom and the misery that molded her essence of life.
2. First body
2.1. Topic Sentence: Belle Reve is the surviving symbol and motivation of a way of life and customs that Blanche Dubois clutches with a hasty persistence. She comprehends she is an anachronism to the new South, yet in spite of wanting to
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Quotation: “Sometimes-there’s God-so quickly!” (116).
5.3. Quotation: “Flores. Flores para los muertos...Corones para los muertos. Corones...” (147).
5.4. Quotation: “[He picks up her inert figure and carries her to the bed.]” (162).
5.5 Quotation: “[Lurid reflections appear on the walls in odd, sinuous shapes. The “Varsouviana” is filtered into a weird distortion, accompanied by the cries and noises of the jungle. Blanche seizes the back of a chair as if to defend herself.]” (174).
6. Conclusion
6.1. Extended idea: Tennessee Williams uses Blanche Dubois as the epitome of a mentally unstable individual amidst the twentieth century and to emphasize how ill-minded individuals were shunned in society. He also illuminates how dangerous the decisions one makes are and the toll of chaos a choice can lead one into; in this case, the mental instability of Dubois was the outcome of immoral paths. Furthermore, Williams is a mirror image of the philosophical beliefs and emotional trauma that Dubois dealt with; revealing his own psychological