Blue Bird Song Analysis

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One day in a far off place in the middle of the calico woods lived a bluejay. Now the bluejay was a proud bird he thought of himself as better then any of the other birds. Becausse he was beautiful and he had a beautiful voice but because of this he would boast to the other birds. Bluejay: Oh my friends look how beautiful my feathers are and how beautiful my voice is. Mr. Medowlark: Yes Bluejay your .... Bluejay: Do you want to hear me sing a song well of corse you do for my voice is the fairest in all iof the forest. LAaaa DEEEee DAAAAaaaaa. Mrs. Morningdove: Bluejay will you let us sing with you if only you would give us part of your voice so we could sing with you (for at that time morning doves and medowlarks could not sing) Bluejay: Of course not my voice is far too beautiful for any of you to sing with let alone hear. With that Bluejay flew high up into a tree where noone elce would go and sat there singing all the songs that he knew to himself. However as he was singing up in the trees the other birds back in the lower limbs of the trees were going to the queen of the forest Queen Tree. Mr. Medowlark: Queen Tree we wish that you would grant us a humble request. Please do something about Bluejay he is incredably mean and he will not sing with us he is too proud of himself. With that Queen tree moved towards where Bluejay sat singing. Queen Tree: Bluejay why are you being mean to .... Bluejay: Do not inturupt my beautiful voice Mrs. Tree you are not worthy to hear my