Blue Zone Observation Report

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For the past fifteen years I have lived in the wonderful community of Stafford, Virginia. When I first moved to Stafford there were barely any people that inhabited the area. Most of Stafford was surrounded by the wonders of nature. However, as time moved on, more subdivisions and marketplaces were built as Stafford became consumed by the ideology of urbanization. Now, if this was fifteen years ago, I could tell you that it would be fairly easy to adopt one of the “Blue Zone” habitats, however Stafford’s population is more dense and diverse, the task seems impossible to complete. Dan Buettner’s TED talk provides us with information concerning solutions, in order to find the optimal formula for longevity in a society. Teaming up with National Geographic and the National Institute on Aging, a team of experts methodically find exactly what “Blue Zoners” do, to distill down the cross-cultural distillation (TED). Based on Dan Buettner’s TED talk, most of the demographically confirmed areas that are geographically confined are small and based around one culture. The “Blue Zones” tend to revolve around one isolated are and usually are consumed by the ideals of nature and religion. But in Stafford, there is more diversity in the culture and religion aspect of a society, as well as …show more content…

Although, this would be impossible to complete with the whole population of Stafford, I truly believe in the Brooke area, that my community could possibly become a “Blue Zone” for America. Also, with the possible outcome of becoming a “Blue Zone” this will provide America with a more positive feedback because based on the TED talk, America is informed as a negative example of how not to become a “Blue