Bob Marley War Essay

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The source which was chosen was the song ‘War’ by Bob Marley. This song is, in essence, a song about equality. Bob Marley, a conscious Reggae singer, often writes songs centered on African Heritage and slavery. These themes which his songs are usually based on are taken from the Rastafarian religion which carries a strong pride in blackness and ties to Africa. The song “War”, however, speaks about racial superiority among all races. Although many of Bob Marley’s songs are reminiscent of days during slavery, this song ties in with today’s society as it is still applicable. The lyrics are almost word for word taken from a speech made by Ethiopian Emperor Haile Selassie I before the United Nations General Assembly in October 1963. in which he …show more content…

Using content analysis, the lyrics will be examined. Due to the fact that the song itself is about race and ethnicity, specific words will be used to identify this. Starting with the word “race” itself this only appears twice throughout the entire song. It can be found in the first line as well as the seventeenth. Since the meaning of the word race, with regards to the meaning of the song itself, means so much in context, it should be examined in this way. The first instance where the word race is used is in the first verse of the song where Bob Marley makes the statement that “Until the philosophy which hold one race superior and another inferior is finally and permanently discredited and abandoned, everywhere is war” In context, the word holds greater meaning than its dictionary definition. Bob Marley directly addresses the problems and prejudice of society where race is involved in terms of equality. In the second instance, where race is used, Bob Marley expresses his beliefs “That until the basic human rights are equally guaranteed to all, without regard to race, dis a war.” He calls for equality among all regardless of