Throughout the history of psychology, many experiments have taken place. One very influential experiment is the Bobo Doll Experiment, conducted by Albert Bandura in the early 1960s. This experiment aimed to explore how children mimic and learn behaviors. It studied aggression and observational learning through children's behaviors after watching the behaviors of another person. I found this experiment interesting as I have recognized myself demonstrating behaviors I learned as a kid from the people around me, so I understand and agree with the findings of this experiment. This experiment shed light on the process of learning and imitating behaviors and introduced ethical questions shaping the field of psychology today. In this experiment, …show more content…
The experiment emphasizes the importance of how our behaviors are shaped and influenced by who we learn from. I believe this experiment is important to society as the environments we create for the other people in our lives do have an effect and what we choose to incorporate in our lives can affect our behaviors positively or negatively. The experiment indicates that exposure to aggressive behavior normalizes violence in children. This indication has significant modifications for parenting methods, work settings, and educational settings. If a child regularly watches violence on the television, the experiment demonstrates the child is more likely to mimic the aggressive behaviors they are actively learning as they watch. Students exposed to aggression by teachers in a school setting are likely to mimic this behavior as well. IN TURN, THIS HIGHLIGHTS THE NEED FOR MINDFUL CONSUMPTION OF MEDIA. In addition, the findings of this experiment contributed to the development of Bandura's social learning theory. This theory suggests people do not just learn through experience, but they learn through observation of others. Social learning theory has impacted many fields and has led to the understanding of demonstrating positive behaviors to promote desired outcomes in education. In conclusion, the Bobo doll experiment has left an impact on psychology and demonstrates the importance of learning through observations. The implications of observational learning for understanding behaviors and aggression in children. This study also brought attention to the relevance of ethical concerns in experiments. I agree with the findings of this experiment and as media and other people's influences on behavior are still being studied, the findings from the Bobo doll experiment stay important. It shows us the impact on human development as a result of observations