Bold Essay

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The novel Bold, written by Peter H. Diamandis and Steven Kotler has been given much praise from big names such as former President Bill Clinton, and director of engineering at Google Ray Kurzweil. Author, Entrepreneur, and speaker Peter Diamandis is best known for the founding of X Prize, and is featured in many TED talks regarding the progress of today’s innovations. Co-author and New York Times best selling Steven Kotler is a successful entrepreneur in practice and is most notably the founder of the Flow Genome Project. These two experts look to to inspire the movers and shakers of industries, and provide key principles of how to influence the world through entrepreneurship. Bold identifies the ways in which entrepreneurs can lean on exponentially accelerated technologies to make impactful businesses. It utilizes over 300 hours of interviews with investors, successful CEOs, and experienced business owners that share their own stories of success and failure. …show more content…

The first part identifies technological advancements that ride an exponential curve of innovation into the future. They typically pave a path known as the “6Ds” : Digitized, Deceptive, Disruptive, Demonetize, Dematerialize, and Democratize. Part two explains how to shares the desired mindset that an entrepreneur must have to tackle such large industries. One tacktick mentioned is thinking in terms of scale, where business ventures can have opportunity to grow into the future. Part three demonstrates how to utilize these industries to achieve great success. Entrepreneurs can catch any exponential sector at one pivotal stage in the “6Ds” and use this framework to understand the future of that technology. This novel gives a well rounded perspective of how to make a business that can create great change on the world, and its

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