Boo Radley Speeches

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ATTENTION MATERIAL Imagine a man who deliberately chooses to hide away from society. Rather than enjoying himself in the company of friends and family, this man instead chooses to spend his time in isolation, refusing to engage with the world around him and the people who inhabit it. The man I am describing is none other than Boo Radley, and he is a primary character in the chapters that my partner and I will present. * When I was very young, my parents got divorced. As a result, my father lived in Alabama and my mother lived here in California, and I had to spend my days shuttling back and forth between the two states. Mostly I would visit my father in Alabama during the summers, and I remember how different it felt. Whereas race in California didn’t seem to matter, the people in Alabama held decided different views. * …show more content…

Ordinarily, the child rushes past the house, but today is different. When she looks across the way, she notices a bright and shiny light radiating from in a hole in a tree. Intrigued, she crosses the road to investigate the gifts left behind for her. TIE TO AUDIENCE I don’t know about you, but I need every point that I can get in this class. We all do. Who wants to end up failing the multiple-choice test or being unable to answer questions during the Socratic seminar? I have designed my section of the presentation to help you excel on the upcoming tests and also to remember key events in the chapters. * It only takes one F to lower your grade, and at this point in the school year, nobody can afford to get a failing grade. Thankfully, there’s no reason that anyone would have to fail because my partner and I have created a presentation that will provide an overview of what will be covered on the