Boo Radley's Fate In To Kill A Mockingbird

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In To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee, the circumstances of Boo Radley’s fate signifies the sin of killing a mockingbird because of his disconnection to the world as a result of his maltreatment. In his reckless teenage years, Boo Radley and his Old Sarum friends drove around the town square in a borrowed car and locked Maycomb’s beadle in the courthouse outhouse. Harsh punishment ensued as a result of his brash actions when Mr. Radley detained Boo in their house and “was not seen again for fifteen years” (13). This symbolizes the killing of a mockingbird because Boo Radley was a young, foolhardy boy who was cut off from the world by his father due to a single mistake. Next, Boo tries to communicate with the Finch kids by leaving them presents