Book Reports On Fahrenheit 451

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In 1953 Ray Bradbury wrote a novel titled Fahrenheit 451. It is a science fiction novel set in the future. In a time so dreadful, books are outlawed, and reading is forbidden. People who are caught with books have them taken away and the books are burned and destroyed into ashe. With books being burnt into destruction, people’s ideas and creativity is destroyed as well. Guy Montag is the protagonist of the novel. He is a firefighter and takes pride in his work. Montag has the desire to burn any book in his sight without hesitation. The job of a firefighter in the novel isn’t to put out fires, but to create them. Guy Montag loves his job, but doesn’t really fit in with the other firemen. One day, the fire department got a firecall to go search this old lady’s house for books. They arrived and searched the old lady’s house and found many books. Each firefighter viciously ripped each book off of each shelf and threw each book down the stairs into a very large pile. The lady stood there and watched the pile grow larger by the minute. The lady really connected to those books, they had a very sentimental value to her, and she was willing to go down with them. Montag began to wonder why someone would sacrifice their own life to get a certain message across about reading books and what they have to …show more content…

Over time, Montag started to have a large amount of books he had taken. He was stashing them in his house. Montag hid the books in the most nonchalant places, where nobody would expect the books to be. He became obsessed with obsessed with reading. Which made him realize that people are missing out on something so important, and valuable knowledge wise. He also realizes that he doesn’t like his job anymore and does not support his profession. Montag started to his enjoy his free time more

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